General knowledge of Comayagua Department the state/province of Honduras

Mostly asked questions about the province Comayagua Department

What is the country of Comayagua Department ?

What is the country code ISO2 of Comayagua Department ?

How many cities are in the state Comayagua Department ?

What are geo coordinates of each city in Comayagua Department ?

What are the name of cities of Comayagua Department ?

Best infopoint's world database gives the answers of all questions which are asked above related to Comayagua Department

First question is about the country which is Honduras and HN is its ISO2 also known as country code. Third question is about the cities of Comayagua Department there is only 36 cities in this state. Following is the list of each city in Comayagua Department by their geo coordinates/latitude and longitude.

State/Province Name Comayagua Department
Country Name flag of HN Honduras
Country Code HN
Total States of Honduras 18
Total Cities of State 36

All Cities of Comayagua Department

City No. City Name Latitude Longitude
1 Aguas del Padre 14.56667000 -87.88333000
2 Ajuterique 14.38333000 -87.70000000
3 Cerro Blanco 14.66667000 -87.78333000
4 Comayagua 14.48412000 -87.60060000
5 Concepción de Guasistagua 14.60000000 -87.65000000
6 El Agua Dulcita 14.70000000 -87.75000000
7 El Porvenir 14.58333000 -87.88333000
8 El Rancho 14.68333000 -87.50000000
9 El Rincón 14.58333000 -87.93333000
10 El Rosario 14.57500000 -87.74306000
11 El Sauce 14.52850000 -87.66571000
12 El Socorro 14.63333000 -87.91667000
13 Esquías 14.73333000 -87.36667000
14 Flores 14.28333000 -87.56667000
15 Humuya 14.25000000 -87.66667000
16 Jamalteca 14.70000000 -87.58333000
17 La Libertad 14.88000000 -87.55000000
18 La Trinidad 14.70000000 -87.66286000
19 Lamaní 14.20000000 -87.61667000
20 Las Lajas 14.90000000 -87.58333000
21 Lejamaní 14.36667000 -87.70000000
22 Meámbar 14.82047000 -87.78424000
23 Minas de Oro 14.80000000 -87.35000000
24 Ojos de Agua 14.79498000 -87.65010000
25 Potrerillos 14.55000000 -87.86667000
26 Río Bonito 14.76667000 -87.88333000
27 San Antonio de la Cuesta 14.63333000 -87.60000000
28 San Jerónimo 14.64043000 -87.56768000
29 San José de Comayagua 14.73333000 -88.03333000
30 San José del Potrero 14.86203000 -87.29049000
31 San Luis 14.75000000 -87.41667000
32 San Sebastián 14.23687000 -87.63215000
33 Siguatepeque 14.60000000 -87.83333000
34 Taulabé 14.67145000 -87.98693000
35 Valle de Ángeles 14.50000000 -87.63333000
36 Villa de San Antonio 14.31667000 -87.61667000